Engaging Our Principles of Community Mini-Grants
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) invites applications for projects that promote and engage UC San Diego’s Principles of Community. Our Principles of Community serve as a foundation to maintain a climate of fairness, cooperation, and professionalism and to promote collaborative attitudes and actions. Priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate high potential to increase understanding and engagement of the Principles of Community and emphasize the Principles as central tenets for a more equitable campus climate.
Only programs that significantly and positively promote the Principles of Community will be considered.
Climate Enhancement Grants
Climate Enhancement Grants are for projects that will be implemented in any quarter during the current (2022-23) or subsequent Academic Year (2023-24). These may be multi-year activities and would generally be more robust and complex in nature, with extensive planning and evaluation. Awards will range from $2,500 to $10,000. This funding mechanism will give preference to proposals that have the potential to advance systemic changes at UC San Diego that will exert a sustained, powerful influence on fostering understanding and daily practice of the Principles of Community.
To apply please submit a PDF of your 5-page proposal with PI CVs and a maximum of 3 appendices. CVs and appendices do not count towards page maximum. Send all proposals to Belinda Zamacona at bzamacona@ucsd.edu. Please use “AY Climate Enhancement Grant Application” as the subject line. We expect to fund up to 2-5 projects based on merit of submitted applications.
Please review all details below before submitting your application.
Eligibility Criteria
At a minimum, funding proposals must meet the following criteria:
- The primary audience for the event is the UC San Diego campus community.
- The link between the event and positively elevating our Principles of Community is clear.
- The event or activity encourages positive and meaningful interaction especially among campus constituents that do not typically engage or interact with one another.
- Project Leaders/Investigators eligible for climate grants include faculty, students, and staff from UC San Diego.
- Projects must be completed within 1 year of receiving the grant.
Application Guidelines
The criteria for funding will include Significance, Innovation, Approach, and Sustainability. All applicants must submit a proposal of no more than 5 pages. Proposals in excess of 5 pages will not be reviewed.
The proposal must include:
- Background (1 page)
- Statement of the problem
- Significance of the work and key outcome(s)
- Program Narrative and Impact (2 pages)
- A description of the proposed project, program, or pilot
- Project/program aim(s) and goal(s)
- Methods
- Any collaborative partnership proposed including all coinvestigators
- A description how your project will actively support one or more of the Principles of Community (reference specific principles)
- Program Evaluation (1 page)
- A description of how you will assess and analyze the success of the project/program
- Budget and Justification (1 page)
- A brief explanation of how the funds will be used
- CVs of Project Leaders/Investigators (not included in page count)
Overall Impact
Reviewers will evaluate the impact of the project on addressing climate through active engagement of the Principles of Community at UC San Diego. The probability that the project may lead to other institutional, governmental, or foundation funding will also be assessed.
This funding mechanism will give preference to proposals that have the potential to advance systemic changes at UC San Diego that will exert a sustained, powerful influence on fostering understanding and daily practice of the Principles of Community. Only programs that significantly and positively promote our Principles of Community will be considered.
Core Review Criteria
Reviewers will consider each of the review criteria below in the determination of merit, and give a separate score for each:
- Significance. Does the project address an important problem or a critical barrier to progress in advancing a climate of respect, understanding, and civility at UC San Diego? Does the project actively engage one or more of the Principles of Community? If the aims of the project are achieved, how will the campus climate improve at UC San Diego?
- Project Leader(s)/Investigator(s). Are the project leaders/investigators and collaborators well-suited to the project? Have the project leaders/investigators and/or collaborators demonstrated how their background and skills will address and improve diversity at UC San Diego?
- Innovation. Does the application propose novel approaches to improving climate through the active engagement of the Principles of Community at UC San Diego? Does the application significantly and positively promote our Principles of Community?
- Approach. Are the overall strategy, methodology, and analysis well-reasoned and appropriate to accomplish the specific aims of the project?
- Sustainability. What is the potential for continued support from non VC-EDI sources?
- Budget. Is the budget reasonable and well thought out?
- Other Support. Have the project leaders/investigators sought out additional funds to implement the project? What other funds (departmental, divisional, gift, grant) are already committed to this project?
Use of Funds
Funds of $2,500 - $10,000 may be requested. Funds will not be awarded for ongoing work, research, or for bridge funding.
Due Dates
Applications are due the Friday of week 6 of the quarter. Award announcements are made on or before the last day of the quarter. This corresponds to the following dates:
Spring quarter 2023: May 12, 2023
Fall quarter 2023: November 3, 2023
Winter quarter 2024: February 16, 2024
Spring quarter 2024: May 10, 2024
For additional information, please contact Belinda Zamacona at bzamacona@ucsd.edu.